Monday, May 3, 2010

Grit and Beauty

Mission: Create an image using found textures to reflect a feeling of grit and beauty within in the city of Philadelphia.

So naturally, I made a godzilla. RAWR.

My original concept was to make him out of garbage to make a statement on the total grossness of this place, but there were too many other kinds of textures that were too perfect to make a godzilla.

He's gonna meet some friends at Parc for a late brunch and then go play his guitar in Rittenhouse because he hopes that someone will start a conversation with him. Maybe meet a nice girl? He's shy. Unfortunately, all he knows how to play is Death Cab covers.

And a bit of a late post, but here is my screen print design. I haven't gotten a chance to upload the prints, but they should be around soon.

Tapirs! And baby tapirs!! Hoorah!